Friday, August 17, 2018

Nothing and Everything

9 months. 
It’s one of those milestone moments for me. Like first tooth. First time sitting up. First time figuring out how to unroll the toilet paper (yep, that happened today). 
9 months ago I gave birth to my little boy. He has now been carried in my arms longer than in my womb. Actually, that will be true in 8 days. As he was 8 very long days late.

In the 9 months I was pregnant with Christopher, we decided to move to Oregon. Chet found a new job. We sold our house. Moved to Oregon. Bought a house (moved again). I lost a job. All the while growing this human. 

In the 9 months since I gave birth to Christopher, Ive changed countless diapers, nursed him countless times, made funny noises, danced like a lunatic and ate lots of baby toes. I kept a human alive and fed and clothed and clean and happy. That’s it!

“Our culture doesn't have a good way to measure what you are accomplishing.Your baby will grow and meet milestones: check.
To the untrained eye, most of this work, at the end of the day, will look like nothing.
But we know better.
There is no greater task than the “nothing" you did yesterday, the “nothing" you are doing today and the “nothing" you will do tomorrow.
Caring for a baby is all about the immediate experience, yet the first two years are all about investment.
It's give, give, give and give some more.
These are hard-fought, rough-and-tumble years that can cut us down to our core and take us soaring high above the clouds, all in the space of five minutes.
And yes, as you do the hardest work of your life, it will seem like you're not getting anything done at all.”

Happy 9 months my boy. I love you to the moon and back.

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