Monday, May 13, 2019

Family Update

I dont know how many times I have been in a particular situation and Ill say, “This reminds me of that FRIENDS episode where…” I remember when I was about 7-8 months pregnant with Christopher and I was having Braxton Hicks contractions and was quite uncomfortable and all I could think about was the episode where Rachel goes to the emergency room and later found out she was having Braxton Hicks and the doctors tells her its nothing to worry about, most people don't even feel them. And she replies, “No uterus, no opinion!” 
And while the majority of my Friends life references have nothing to do with pregnancy, for this episode with the Komos family, we will just go ahead and call it The One with Two Heart Beats. 

Do you remember that episode where Monica and Chandler find out that Erica, the birth mother, is actually about to deliver twins. 
Monica: Did anybody tell you?
Erica: I dont think so…although they did mention something about two heart beats. But I thought that was just mine and they baby’s. They kept saying both heart beats are really strong. And I thought, well that’s good because I’m having a baby."

Spoiler alert! We are having another baby!) Chet, Christopher and I are at our midwife appointment and it was at this appointment where we were going to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. I laid down on the bed and the student midwife pulls out the doppler and starts to listen for the baby. Within a few minutes she hears a faint sound so Marilyn, my midwife, helps her get the doppler in just right place to get a clearer sound. And there they are! Clear and strong. “You can hear both heartbeats.” In a matter of seconds, along with terror and shock, that episode began playing in my mind. I start laughing, mostly nervous laughter and I say. You mean MY heartbeat right?? That is my heartbeat and the baby’s heartbeat? RIGHT? Not two babies’ heartbeats. RIGHT?? 
Oh yes, your heartbeat. There is only one baby in there. We all laugh. My heartbeat slowly returned back to normal as they comment how they never thought about how they word that before. Clearly they have never seen that episode of Friends. 

So coming October 21, Christopher will be a big brother…to just ONE sibling! 
We are approaching the half way point in this pregnancy and even saying that sounds crazy. I had hoped to write more throughout this pregnancy. Last time we were busy selling a house, moving out of state, buying a house and moving again to even think about writing. And while we arent making any drastic life changes this time around, I am busy chasing a toddler and things like sitting down with the computer just means Christopher has the opportunity to get in my purse to find my wallet and pull out all of my credit cards and hide them under the wireless router. I do have to buy groceries today so before I end up in the check out line without any way to pay, I need to go find all that he has hidden.
We cant wait to meet our new little one!

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